
Pre rooted bluestacks mac
Pre rooted bluestacks mac

Step 3: Double click on RootCheckerPro.apk. To check whether we have the root access: Now, you have the Rooted version of Bluestacks.Download the Rooted Version of Bluestacks from the link: Rooted Bluestacks.In this method, you are not required to download Bluestacks and then Root it, but I am giving you the rooted version of Bluestacks. This is one of the easiest methods to get rooted Bluestacks. Step 9: Once the rooting process is done, click on the Q button to exit the Command window. In this method, we will Root Bluestacks which is already installed on our computer. If you are not that good in rooting then I will suggest you go with the last method as it involves only downloading a Rooted version of Bluestacks. The file you are going to download will be already Rooted, so you are not required to root it again using any other apps or software. In method number 3, we will be downloading a Rooted version of Bluestacks and all you wanted to do is simply install it on your PC. The third and final last method is probably the easiest method ever. In this, we are not required to download any third-party application within Bluestacks. In the second method, we will be using a tool called BS Tweaker to Root Bluestacks through a CMD interface. All you wanted is the APK file of the Kingoroot installer. In the first method, we are using the Kingoroot application to Root Bluestacks and that will be quick and real fast. Below, I will be sharing 3 different methods to Root Bluestacks.

pre rooted bluestacks mac

You can follow any of them which you feel is comfortable. To check whether we have the root access:īelow, I will be sharing more than 2 methods to Root Bluestacks 3.Method 3: Download Pre-Rooted Bluestacks.Method 2: Root Bluestacks with BSMultiTool.Method 1: Root Bluestacks with KingoRoot.

Pre rooted bluestacks mac